Service to others is the key to genuine happiness, not psychotic self elation

When you benefit the whole, you are in completion. You are fulfilling your destiny. Everyone has a god given gift of light which can be given infinitely to the whole, if they so should seek it. Look inside yourself and know that you have a piece of god inside of you. That expression of this … Continue reading Service to others is the key to genuine happiness, not psychotic self elation

They will use the word for ill, such as voodoo, demonic invocations, etc

And they might be doing so in plain site, but you have given them the label of clinically insane, a danger to themselves and others. Well apparently that wasn't enough, 'psychiatric industry'. Spirituality is the key to understanding what is really going on, because that person is still wreaking havoc upon existence itself and having … Continue reading They will use the word for ill, such as voodoo, demonic invocations, etc

Demons hate good, it makes them uncomfortable, for they are ‘discomfort’ manifest

If going by god is true comfort and true serenity, a demon is anything but. They will use whatever it takes to show their support for evil, lewdness, drunkenness, and the like. When you do good deeds in front of them, they will quiver. They will quake. And if you continue, you actually might drive … Continue reading Demons hate good, it makes them uncomfortable, for they are ‘discomfort’ manifest

Demonic Infiltration, particularly of a healer.. and a world catering to this

A society without spirituality is a society doomed to failure. We have to acknowledge the reality of the multidimensional planes. The military does, but this is covert knowledge. Why is it a secret? Are they themselves the pawns of demons such as molech or baal? You tell me Jesus spoke much of these malignant … Continue reading Demonic Infiltration, particularly of a healer.. and a world catering to this

Sexual Deviancy – Demon Food via the Astral Plane

When you are sexually immoral it will attract many spiritual parasites. Your orgasmic energy is an amazing source of life itself. Life came through the orgasm. You should use it responsibly. Tantra is about having sex without the male ever ejaculating, retaining his essence. Many eastern traditions say that masturbation and ejaculation is a waste … Continue reading Sexual Deviancy – Demon Food via the Astral Plane