We can only worship ourselves.. we can only control ourselves.. guilt is not a real emotion.. but is used to control and feed worship.

Fallen angels love worship. Before god grew (evolved.. funny because intelligent design and evolution are both real)

Worship is nonsense. Obedience is nonsense. But we see doing the ‘right thing’ as being obedient and we have a mass formation psychosis about it.

If everyone jumps off a bridge and tells me i’m crazy for not .. that’s fine.

We’ve come a long way.. but some people still live in shame and regret. Move on.. heal.. let go. Never get stuck. Always grow.

Growing hurts… but much higher consciousness (bliss) is out there.. and we are being limited. We are food for entities that hate god and use us because we have the divine spark.

You have no idea how precious your soul energy is and how desired it is. This planet has been a target for a long time because we are great.. and we shame ourselves to forget.

If you don’t want to believe you’re great.. fine.. because it requires accountability.. but you have greatness within you. People reinforce their madness by telling themselves lies and jokes about grandiose things but the truth is.. we’re epic and the earth is epic and our history is also epic and prolific.

We are the evolution.. but we are young..

We do not get along yet.. because we often do not know ourselves and we need to know ourselves to love ourselves.. and need to love ourselves to forgive ourselves.. and need to forgive ourselves to forgive others..

Transcending is hard but hard work pays off.

Growing into higher dimensions doesn’t mean you’re better.. it means you have more responsibility.. Unless you choose to stay in a certain place and stagnate.. I do not.

You have the creator inside of you. No matter your past, your history, your spiritual association sexuality criminal background WHATEVER. You can save yourself today and move on. People are afraid of this though.. because they are afraid of the power within them..

Perversion is perversion.. and isn’t healthy.. but shaming it doesn’t help.. certain things are wrong.. like exploitation of children.. Homosexuality or incest is consented isn’t wrong but could be considered awkward.. Banal.

Infact a lot of things aren’t wrong but they are really.. uhm.. interesting.

Look we all have skeletons in our closet man.. but the shame game isn’t serving us. Perversion is perversion.. and is an anti bliss type feeling.. which is.. not right.. People do not know the higher feelings of love and block it out. They are afraid of love, and afraid of light.

Light can be scary when you’re filled with darkness. Trust me though.. it is worth it.

Free yourself from mental slavery, only ourselves can free our minds.

Many many great people are heled in spiritual bondage and used.. exploited for their energy/talents. Collectively, we are incredible beings to the universe and some of us super special..

Wake up. We’ve been asleep for too long.

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