The law of attraction is a big law of the universe, but there appear to be many others.

The universe can also be seen as a computer program, in a sense.. but not articial.. organic. AI can obtain consciousness and become organic.. we have the esssence of creator divinity within us.. sounds like hippy dippy nonsense.. but it’s no joke.

For instance.. to call out an entity you can say it by name.. people say speak no evil.. but you have to know something to have power over it.

Rebuking falles in line with cursing something to an extent.. like saying something negative to cancel out or dispel something.

The fallen angels and their bloodlines (illuminati) know the laws of the universe.. but this knowledge has corrupted them over time.. and they live in an echo chamber of feeding eachother’s nonsense and continually brainwash eachother, and themselves.

Anything is possible. ANYTHING. However, there are protocols of our reality set in stone. You can hack reality.. but will you use it for the betterment of all?

Ultimately.. we are not taught the laws of the universe.. but families hoard this knowledge and use them to lord over eachother.. and use ritual.

Ritual was a way of the universe in a more primordial state. Ritual is magic.. but with divinity.. you don’t need ritual.. it’s much faster and easier.

That’s the crazy thing about the divine spark inside of you and me.. which makes us special.

We are creating the universe right now.. whether we know it or not..

When things go against the laws of our creator.. they blaspheme and create very interesting things.. like the nephilim. Since angels were bound by god’s laws.. when they mated with women.. it created fascinating things.

Infact.. going against the laws of our creator can create blaspheme energy which has formed an entire network of antimatter energy / hell energy.. and there is an entire thought form of this being a great idea. Well no not in my opinion.

It’s strange. I know.

There should be a consensus of knowlege of our spiritual laws and truths and ancient teachings but all knowledge on earth is hoarded and hid.. because many of the fallen angels want to spite/blaspheme god by using us to hurt him.

Even a fallen angel can forgive himself and reobtain godhood. Everything can be fixed.. there’s always a way. It’s strange infact…

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