The Satanists Love to Brainwash Homeless People, and they use Street Meth

I have heard this in countless cases by now, and it is enough that i've had about enough of it. They go for vulnerable individuals who are downtrodden and looking for answers. The people who fall victim are people who are godless and susceptible to the many temptations of lucifer. They will use a myriad … Continue reading The Satanists Love to Brainwash Homeless People, and they use Street Meth

Pedophiles. Satanists. What do we do?

So what are we going to do about this? What are we going to do when children are openly being groomed for sexual coercion? Why are people so sick? Why are they robbing the innocence of kids? Why do they drink their blood? Why do they sacrifice them to demons? (Astral entities) If any of … Continue reading Pedophiles. Satanists. What do we do?